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KMZB helps the Police
KMZB is an effective tool enabling citizens to support the work of the Police.
National Security Threats Map

The Police / GUGiK

Mobile apps
Safety through social participation

The National Security Threats Map (KMZB) is a technologically advanced and, at the same time, easy to use tool for supporting the Police by the citizens.

The solution based on the GISPartner technology is an example of the social participation. Citizens have the opportunity to report violations of order they observe. Reporting is as simple as possible. In addition to the traditional option of sending a report using any web browser, mobile applications for Android and iOS are part of the solution. Thanks to them, in combination with automatic geolocation and the possibility of adding photos, the notification can be made at the place and time of its occurrence in the blink of an eye.

Violations reported by citizens are transferred to the Police operators with their automatic assignment to the appropriate units based on a preset algorithm. The reports have all the necessary information to intervene.

Reports in the system have statuses informing about the progress of the case. Updating of the statuses is performed by the operator, and information about it can be delivered to the reporting citizen with notifications. Notifications work both in the mobile application and in the web browser.

KMZB has proven its usefulness countless times. The police have repeatedly informed about the removal of threats thanks to reports sent through the system. Threats of various caliber and types, but always reducing the sense of order among citizens.

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