e are a unique blend of an interdisciplinary team of the best specialists, proprietary technology and many years of IT systems implementations in every scale. The systems developed and implemented by us have been an important element of the work of many Polish institutions for years. They facilitate access to information and mediate in contacts with their clients.
Each of the following numbers applies to a different, independent system.
iMap - a proprietary GIS platform with powerful capabilities
Posiadamy status Bronze Partner światowego lidera rozwiązań GIS – firmy Esri, Inc. Nasze wdrożenia wykorzystujące platformę ArcGIS były wielokrotnie nagradzane.
Open software supported by our proprietary solutions and knowledge to enable particularly cost-effective implementations.
Based on extensive competences and depending on the client's needs and implementation requirements, we optimally adjust the database solutions.
Thanks to experience, knowledge and the team, we adjust the technologies used in the implementation to the client's requirements, and not the other way around.
GISPartner has been providing IT solutions since 2003. Excelling our software for years means that we are able to handle needs on virtually any scale.
From strategic systems for central administration to international projects.
Implementations for voivodships, poviats and various types of associations of territorial units.
Projects for municipalities, in particular for cities with the size of several dozen to several hundred thousand inhabitants.
The central point for spatial information in Poland, the purpose of which is to provide citizens, entrepreneurs and public administration with spatial information useful for business, sustainable development, environmental protection and management.
The Geostatistics Portal is a modern tool for presenting statistical data in spatial terms. It performs the functions of collecting, presenting and sharing information for a wide audience.
The system enables effective monitoring of the risk of the occurrence of meteorological and hydrological threats, the purpose of which is also to notify about the possibility of occurrence of threats. Its essence is to support the protection of Poland against the effects of possible threats.
A geoportal created on the basis of our technology and developed for over 10 years, providing in one place a huge amount of geospatial information to Wrocław officials, business and residents, at the same time contributing to the development of the information society.