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Advanced integration between GIS and EAM class systems (SAP PM).


GIS integration with the SAP system

GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is a company of strategic importance for the Polish economy and the country's energy security. The key task of the Company is the transport of gaseous fuels through the transmission network throughout the country, in order to deliver them to the distribution networks and to end users connected to the transmission system. GAZ-SYSTEM manages extensive, advanced and territorially dispersed technical infrastructure.

The task of GISPartner in this project was to present the transmission and distribution network of GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. in the implemented GIS system along with descriptive data from SAP PM to improve real-time asset management (including the implementation of related processes).

For the purposes of GIS-SAP PM integration, GISPartner has prepared a dedicated product - iMapEAMConnector, which is a unique solution in this area (integration of the GIS web application with the EAM class system). Thanks to this integration, it is possible to present on the map technical objects (components of the GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. network), such as: pipelines, gas stations, functional locations or devices, along with detailed descriptive data obtained from SAP PM. Descriptive data from SAP PM are associated with spatial data entered in the GIS system using a dedicated algorithm.

The implemented solution is adapted to two-way communication in accordance with the requirements. Most of the messages are sent from SAP PM to GIS; in the GIS to SAP PM direction, primarily coordinates of the objects are sent, but notifications created from the GIS level can also be transferred.

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